Monday, June 8, 2009

Blowin in the Wind

Wednesday April 16, 2008
So I'm out in Monterey, CA for the Sea Otter Classic. Although the event is notorious for crappy weather, it looks like we are in for some good sunny days.

I wasn't really agreeing with that statement so much yesterday as I was getting blown off the trail by about 4 feet while trying to climb a hill, but today was much better.

Anyway, I'll post some updates from the expo and races. Hope some of you can make it out here, the event runs through Sunday.

Time for Another Reminder: Check Your Tire Pressure

Saturday April 12, 2008
Alright, I know I talk about this a lot, but seriously, everybody needs to learn to use the right tire pressure.

A simple change in tire pressure can take a bike from sketchy at best to controlled and predictable.

The right tire pressure can change from trail to trail, but usually, once you find what works for you, it's easy to make adjustments from there. Check our easy guide to setting the right tire pressure.

Making it Your Own

Thursday April 10, 2008
When you get a new bike, chances are, it's just like everyone else's. Your new bike is most likely one of a few hundred.

It's only when you set it up for yourself, and especially when you put some of your own parts on it that it really starts to become your own. Bikes rarely remain stock for their whole life.

So when you get that new bike, don't forget to take a little time to turn it into something of your own. Stickers, bells, new components, even your favorite tires are all good ways to individualize your bike.

Otherwise, like in my case, wait for a few good crashes and you'll learn to love each and every scratch and dent. Well, maybe a

A Little More on 650B Bikes

Monday April 7, 2008
The 650B mountain bike movement has had some serious setbacks in the last few months. With it looking doubtful that any major fork manufacturer (besides White Brothers) will have the redesigned suspension forks available until at least the 2010 model year, there will be few front/full suspension production 650B wheeled bikes available in the next year.

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